Global development
Fight the fakes: How to beat the $200bn medicine counterfeiters | The Guardian
How can regenerative agriculture help the food system survive? | Devex
‘We need accountability’: On getting nutrition on the COP 28 agenda | Devex
Why fighting for gender equality will help save the food system | Devex
‘My patience is running low’: Inside the fight to end tuberculosis | Devex
Can social entrepreneurs make Africa's digital boom more inclusive? | Devex
Here come the girls: teenage tech founders on the future they want | The Guardian
Can blockchain keep refugees from becoming ‘invisible’? | Bright magazine
The Upstarts: Dalston’s Soda – it’s a great time to be making non-alcoholic drinks | the Guardian
Matt manages a team of people – he’s never spoken to any of them | The Guardian
'I had minutes to make the call': the tech helping domestic abuse survivors |The Guardian
The web women want: 'no tittle-tattle, Photo-shopping, or cellulite circling' | The Guardian
Where is the world’s rainiest city? | Guardian Cities/ Extreme cities
Is ‘meanwhile use’ in London a lifeline for creatives or a Trojan horse for gentrification? | New Start
Manchester tackles homelessness crisis – by embracing the arts | Guardian Cities
Google sets its sights on one of Silicon Valley’s most diverse cities and residents are scared | HuffPost
‘Google go home’: the Berlin neighbourhood fighting off a tech giant | Guardian Cities
Pop-ups to Deliveroo Kitchens: firms hunt bricks-and-mortar alternatives | The Guardian
How the pandemic broke Britain’s schools and stranded a generation | WIRED
‘I have to homeschool my child with autism - watching other kids go back to school hurts’ | The i Paper
The sorry saga of the British school that innovated itself to death | WIRED
The transformative effect of university-level learning inside prisons | Times Higher Education
Student protests: are young people really too sensitive these days? | The Guardian
Call to unlock a hidden treasure chest of hidden research data | The Guardian
Mental health: a university crisis, Mental health research: underfunded and failing to attract young academics | The Guardian